Tips For Successful Digital Photography
Photography is an important medium to portray beautiful objects of the world in their heavenly forms. However, while testing one's skills in this field, basic tips on photography should be keenly followed. Nature photography is an important wing of photography. Let's throw some light on it.
Nature photography
Wolf 2 by Fremlin on flickr (licensed CC-BY)
Nature or wildlife photography has covered a great distance since its origin in 1826 when Nicéphore Niépce clicked the first ever permanent nature photograph. But it took a staggering eight hours to shoot the picture of the landscape. Now, with the help of ultra-modern digital camera and plenty of tips on photography, one can take magnificent snaps within seconds. High-end cameras with adequate protection like the Canon 5d Mark II enable professionals to enhance the appeal of nature photography.

Canon Digital SLR Camera EOS 5D Mark II + EF24-105 Kit
However, technology is not all. It may take very short time to click a photograph but professional wildlife photographers patiently wait for hours, days and nights to get the right opportunity for shooting images like snakes' fighting or some rare animal species. Nature photography is truly amazing but it demands an intimate bond with nature, a keen observation power and unflinching dedication. There are plenty of sources to avail tips on photography.
Professional photographers have scaled great heights with superior technology and deep passion for this sector. However, attaining latest information about photography is always beneficial. They never ignore common yet vital tips on photography.
Plan ahead
If you want to preserve a rare yet beautiful moment, just keep certain tips on photography in mind. For example, one should be present at the right place at the right moment to get right snap. Apart from bit of luck, prior knowledge about nature is a key factor to succeed in photography. If you want to capture the twilight magic of setting sun in the hilly area then it would be better if you know, under which cliff the sun generally sets during particular seasons.
Sunset by snowpeak on flickr (licensed CC-BY)
Sacrificing personal comfort is an important part of the tips on photography. During extreme cold condition, when mercury dips below 'zero' degree just venture out of your warm bed. You may get opportunities of lifetime to capture the behavior of animals or birds in hostile conditions.
Use a tripod
Proper camera movements are some important tips on photography. Use a tripod to strengthen the camera shots. Photographers often wait for hours even at the most suitable location like grazing grounds to get the right opportunity of snapping pictures of wild animals. This naturally curtails the hand movements. Stable support like tripod is an excellent support in nature photography.

Manfrotto 190XPROB Tripod
Use the best light
Good photography also requires proper utilization of light effects. If the sun is near the horizon it will lower the contrast. One of the key tips on photography is that utilize low contrast Wildlife photography will ensure a pleasing effect in such light. For example the photography of an owl will look very much attractive at dawn with the combination of light and shades.
great grey owl by hans s on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)
Use the right lens
The list of tips on photography is quite long. Using right type of lenses is one of them. If you want to take a snap of deer grazing in a vast barren field in the twilight of the setting sun then wide angle lens will do the tricks.
On the other hand, zoom lenses will take the image closer to you. To separate the main object of photography from surrounding object use telephoto lens.
Use macro lens to capture the ripples of a stream or the crystal like dew on the grass. In the age of digital photography, SLR cameras are most cherished tools in professional nature photography.
on the wet grass by jenny downing on flickr (licensed CC-BY)
Tips on photography
Ask photographers to acquire some basic knowledge about the landscape, endemic wildlife of a particular region or local weather. For example, you come across the rare fighting scene of rattlesnakes without knowing the significance of such an image and ignore it. How will you react when you become aware about the immense value of that missed opportunity?
Rattlesnakes by Dawn Endico on flickr (licensed CC-BY-SA)
No one can tell when 'luck' will gift him with rare sights of nature photography. So, whenever you decide to enjoy nature intimately, you should pack you bag with camera and other necessary arrangements like fully charged batteries, lens brush, lens filter, tripod, food and drinks etc. These are some of the basic tips on photography. You need to follow them religiously.

Remember, your eyes and ears can play major roles in nature photography. So, while on a photography-tour don't take it as fun but passion. Nature photography is a combination of art and human endeavor. Feel nature with your heart. You will never come back with empty hands. If you want to witness some magnificent examples of nature photography, visit