Posts Tagged ‘Mirrorless cameras’

What are Mirror Slap and Shutter Shock?

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Mirror slap and Shutter shock are both problems that can cause blurring when you take a photo. In this article we'll look at what these problems actually are, and how they can be avoided.

What are Mirror Slap and Shutter Shock?
Image makes use of Warning by yves_guillou and naughty nick! by Peter Pawlowski (licensed CC-BY)

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Using a CSC or DSLR camera to make your photos stand out on social media

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With over a billion photos being shared every day on social media, it can be very difficult to have your photos stand out from the rest. With the vast majority of photos being taken on smartphones, one way you can help your photos vie for attention is by taking advantage of the abilities of a compact system camera or DSLR.

Now, using a CSC / DSLR to take your photos is no substitute for a creative, well composed, and beautifully lit image. Using a 'proper' camera rather than a phone doesn't suddenly give you a better image.

But there are some things a CSC / DSLR camera can do that a phone camera cannot. And by combining your creativity with the abilities of a CSC / DSLR you can achieve a strong image with features that help it stand out from amongst the smartphone images.

Using a CSC or DSLR camera to make your photos stand out on social media

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

April 5th, 2015 at 3:31 pm

Lens mounts and interchangeable lenses

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If you are considering purchasing a camera that accepts interchangeable lenses, you need to be aware of compatibility issues. Buying a camera and lens and then finding they don't work properly together could be quite annoying.

It is also important to remember that when you buy into a camera that offers interchangeable lenses, you are buying into a system. So you need to consider carefully the range of lenses available in that system.

In this article we'll look at the different compatibility issues you might come across, and also how some cameras can be used with a wider range of lenses via adapters.

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Digital Camera Types Explained – Mirrorless

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In recent years, the choice in camera models has become much greater, with some completely new types of camera being released. With all the different types of camera, and the different names used to describe them, it can be a bit confusing. In the next series of articles I'll try and clear this up a bit, as well as listing the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Photo of top-down view of DSLR, MILC, and Compact cameras showing size differences
This composite photo shows the relative scale of a Nikon D3100 DSLR (left), Panasonic GX1 MILC (bottom right), and Panasonic ZS9 Compact camera (top right).


MILC stands for Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera, and they are a cross between a compact camera and an SLR. MILCs (with the exception of the Pentax Q and Nikon 1 models) feature the large sensor and ability to change lenses of a DSLR camera, while lacking the DSLR's mirror, which allows a much smaller body size.

They are also known as Mirrorless cameras, ILCs (Interchangeable Lens Compacts), EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) and CSCs (Compact System Cameras). As these types of cameras are relatively new, a standard name has not yet won out in terms of usage.

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