Tripod Alternatives for Photographers
Magnificent Monopods
Monopods may be one of the best inventions to come along for outdoor photographers. These stick-like supports do a super job, and they can be packed and carried with ease. Monopods are light in weight, don't take up much room, and can provide a very steady platform for your camera. Don't waste your money on cheap models. Buy a good quality monopod and enjoy it.
Monopods are great for photographers who are covering sporting events, capturing photos of wildlife, or focusing in on a final sunset. A one-legged support can't give you the rock-hard steady platform that a tripod can, but it will provide more than enough support for most types of shots. The big advantage to a monopod is that it is so easy to carry with you that it will be there when you need it, and a heavy tripod may not be.