Posts Tagged ‘Professional Photography’

Low Light Photography Secrets

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Photographers often think of low light situations as restricting their ability to take good photographs but nothing could be further from the truth. You see there are really two ways to view low light situations; you can seek to use them as a creative opportunity or see them as a restriction you need to overcome. Irrespective of how you personally view the situation there are lots of things you can do to ensure you can take great images in low light.

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Written by Robin Whalley

October 23rd, 2011 at 10:52 am

Practice Photography For Fun

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Photography is a medium of self expression. Apart from this, photography is an opportunity for the human race to capture beautiful memories in a visually most appealing way. This can be taken up as a profession or people can simply go for photography for fun. However a person needs to have a little technical expertise as well as aesthetic sense.

Fun creative photography using shadows
Free Daddy and His Little Shadow Girls at The Skate Park Creative Commons by D. Sharon Pruitt on flickr (licensed CC-BY)

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Written by Guest

February 23rd, 2011 at 5:00 am

How Digital Photography Has Changed Professional Photography

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Author: Deniece Mize

The introduction of digital photography has changed many things not the least of which is professional photography. In the past it took several weeks from the time of a sitting to the time a customer was actually able to receive professional photographs.

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Written by Guest

February 5th, 2011 at 5:00 am

Successful Tips For Starting A Photography Business

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Author: Alex Don

Often I am asked, how to best start a photography business? The answer mainly depends on which area of you wish to specialise in photography, or you may decide to be a 'all rounder'.

You should clearly know this before the start of your business. There's nothing as distracting to achieving your goals as constantly jumping from one specialist area to another specialist area; you never make it in anything! You definitely need a plan for your business with targets and goals that you have to work towards.

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Written by Guest

January 30th, 2011 at 5:00 am

Photography is an Art of Imagination

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Photography is an art of transforming images into a story, which speak and make an impact on the mind of viewers and audience. Photography is not about expensive cameras and high-tech gadgets but it is about imagination.

Imagination..... by Vimal Raveendran on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)

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Written by Guest

January 18th, 2011 at 2:22 am

Do Business Degrees In Photography Work?

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Author: TobiK

Most photography schools offer business degrees in photography but many photographers wonder whether such a course is useful or not. Photography is not just a form of art but it is a science and business at the same time.

To become a successful photographer, you need to know the creative and scientific aspects of photography so that you can create wonderful photographs. However, you also need good business knowledge to sell these photographs. If you have noticed, most of the masterpiece photographs were never sold!

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Written by Guest

January 11th, 2011 at 4:56 am

When Thinking Of A Career In Photography

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Author: Shiksha

Photographs flawlessly capture the most beautiful moments and events of our lives, making them memorable for us. The art and perfection of storing these moments in a picture is called Photography.

A career in photography makes for one of the most interesting jobs possible. It needs the right blend of natural talent and formal training. The bent towards capturing objects and making each of them look marvelous.

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Written by Guest

December 14th, 2010 at 8:42 pm